I am the greatest obstacle to my greatest dreams.

                                                                -Craig D. Lounsbrough

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to hit an invisible barrier after achieving a measure of success? It’s not uncommon. 

People work hard to reach their goals, but once they achieve some success, they sometimes stop or slow down just when things are about to get even better. 

This isn’t just about running out of energy; it’s about dealing with fears, feeling satisfied, and thinking over our goals after we succeed. 

In this post, we’ll look at why this happens and how understanding these challenges can help us overcome them to reach higher levels of success in both our personal and professional lives. 

Let’s find out why we put brakes on ourselves and learn ways to keep moving forward, even when it’s challenging.

We all experience “growing pains” as we work towards our goals. Seeing these challenges as a gift and learning from them can help us become our best selves. 

Let’s explore why some people plateau or burn out while trying to achieve their goals. 

Everyone’s experience is different, but there are common patterns in how we behave. Here’s the list:

1. Overwhelm and Fatigue: Working hard to achieve your initial goals can be really tough. Sometimes, the pressure to keep performing at a high level and making sacrifices can make you feel overwhelmed. This might lead to burnout, where you don’t feel like pushing yourself any further.

2. Satisfaction with Partial Success: After reaching a new success level, you might rethink your goals and realize you’re quite happy with what you’ve achieved so far. You may decide it’s not worth it to go for more, especially if it means giving up personal time or affecting your health.

3. Fear of Failure or Success: Being successful can be scary. You might worry that more success means more pressure and higher expectations. Or, you might be scared of failing if you try to go further, especially if it was hard getting to where you are now. These fears can make you want to stop trying.

4. Loss of Clarity or Purpose: Goals can be exciting at first, but as you start achieving them, you might lose sight of why they were important to you. If your reasons don’t feel as strong anymore, you might not feel as committed to your goals.

5. Underestimating Further Effort: Sometimes, you might not realize how much more work it takes to move from your current success to your ultimate goal. Once you see how tough it could be, you might think it’s not possible or worth it to keep going.

6. External Influences: Life can change, like family needs, health issues, or changes in your financial situation, and these can make you rethink your priorities. Also, new opportunities might come up because of your success, pulling your focus away from your original goals.

7. Adaptation and Contentment: When you reach a new level of success, what once seemed amazing can start to feel normal. This can make you less eager to push for more, leading you to be content with where you are now.

Reaching a plateau can feel like you’re stuck, but it’s actually a great chance to push yourself and see what you’re capable of. 

Moving forward helps you grow, builds your confidence, and gets you closer to your ultimate goal.

One of the best tools I have seen in creating new perspectives and transformations is using a journal. Not only is it a tool for focusing, but also for seeing the truth laid out in black and white. 

By using this tool, we can harness this power, creating the ability to breakthrough and go beyond current challenges. Here’s how:


Get clear on your mindset – what was your original intention for your desire. Who do I have to become to achieve the goal I set out for?

  • What qualities or characteristics does this version of me possess?

  • In what ways can I start to embody these characteristics in my everyday life?

  • How does my ideal self-handle challenges and setbacks and what is my overall mindset?

  • How does my ideal self-relate to others and contribute to the world?

  • What beliefs do I need to adopt to become the person who achieves my desired outcomes? Check out THIS BLOG POST to find out how to change beliefs at the subconscious level.


Remember your purpose – When we go after a tough goal, it’s all about discovering and living out our purpose—what really motivates us. 

Sometimes, when obstacles come up and things get hard, it’s easy to forget WHY we began this journey. 

By keeping a journal, we can stay connected to our WHY, which helps boost our energy and keeps us driven. 

Writing in our journal every day also lets us refresh our vision and goals. 

Always remember your WHY because it’s crucial for overcoming those challenging moments.


Calling all goal getters – Entrepreneurs, in particular, find success by focusing on creating value. 

This means they work on providing something that people truly need or want, making their product or service indispensable. 

But it isn’t just entrepreneurs, all goal getters need to focus on what activities get the results and focus on those. 


Take good care of yourself – Eating right, getting enough sleep, and setting aside sacred time to relax are all important. 


And remember again, successful people always keep their purpose in mind—they remember why they started their business or are goinf for the goal in the first place. 

Whether it’s a passion for their product or wanting to make a difference in their life or even the world, this ‘why’ helps them stay motivated, especially during tough times. 


Hitting a plateau on your way to a goal is like taking a long break during a hike. 

You’ve come far and you might feel like resting longer than you planned, but remember, the view at the top is worth every step. 

Moving forward, even when it feels tough, is really important because that’s how you get to see how much more you can do and achieve. 

Each step past a plateau teaches you something new about yourself, building your confidence and proving you can do hard things. 

So, even if the climb feels steep, keep going! 

The satisfaction of completing your goal will be so rewarding, and you’ll be proud of yourself for not giving up.


Be well,


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Michigan Life Coaching, Personal Growth, and PSYCH-K®️. Taking your life to the next level and creating the abundance you deserve.