Imagine being a young child, like Albert Einstein at five years old, and encountering something as mysterious and fascinating as a compass. 

This simple instrument, with its needle pointing steadfastly north, sparked a profound curiosity in Einstein. 

He wondered about the invisible forces at play, guiding the needle. Such early experiences can ignite a lifelong journey of discovery and exploration. 

Just as a compass leads a sailor through uncharted waters, our earliest interests often guide us toward our unique life paths.

Discovering Early Passions

The story of young Einstein and his compass reminds us that our first interests can have a lasting impact. 

Consider the example of my son, who at just 11 years old has shown a keen interest in entrepreneurship. 

At a local antique and craft show, he set up a booth with a friend to sell handmade bracelets and necklaces. 

Their day ended with impressive earnings and dreams of expanding their small venture. 

This wasn’t just a successful day at the market—it was a glimpse into what could become a lifelong passion.

Robert Greene, in his influential book “Mastery,” discusses these deep interests as ‘primal curiosities.’ 

These are more than just hobbies; they are intrinsic parts of who we are, often reflecting our potential career paths and personal fulfillment.

Identifying Your Core Interests

It’s common to feel as though you don’t have such defining interests or perhaps believe they’ve been lost over time. 

Here is a solution with a simple, transformative exercise: 

Set a timer for 20 minutes and write quickly and freely about what you loved doing before the world told you what you should love. 

This isn’t just about recalling pastimes—it’s about reconnecting with your unique inner drives, which Greene likens to personal DNA. 

“Your primal curiosities are like your DNA, they are unique to you. But we lose touch with it as we get older. Many schools and universities kill curiosity. We forget what once captivated us,” Greene explains. 

Rediscovering these interests can be a revelation, shedding light on passions that can guide your career and personal life.

 Living Out Your Unique Purpose and Finding Your WHY

By understanding and embracing these primal curiosities, you can begin to shape a life that is truly your own. 

Furthermore, when you discover your why, it gives you the energy and strength to move forward pursuing those things you are meant to contribute.

In his book ‘Find Your WHY,’ author Simon Sinek presents a compelling framework for identifying your personal purpose:

“My WHY is to (what is your contribution?) so that (what impact do you want to make?).”

For example, Simon Sinek’s WHY statement goes as follows: 

“My WHY is to inspire people to do what inspires them, so that together we can change the world for the better.”

To uncover your own WHY, start by listing the people who have played a pivotal role in shaping who you are today. Consider the following:

  • Did a teacher dramatically change your understanding of the world and your role in it?

  • Has your aunt encouraged you to embrace your uniqueness when others viewed you as odd?

  • Did a coach or instructor help you recognize your potential?

Share these stories with a friend and discuss the impact these individuals had on your life. Your friend’s role is to help you identify which experiences evoke the most passion and energy. 

The aim is to find a WHY that allows you to have a similarly profound impact on others.

Everyone has a distinct mission or vocation that they are meant to fulfill. This mission is uniquely tailored to each individual, ensuring that only you can perform it to its fullest potential. 

When you align your career and personal activities with your innate interests and life experiences, you not only find greater satisfaction but also achieve what you are uniquely positioned to accomplish.

Following through on your mission can mean the difference between a mediocre life and one that if meaningful and impactful.

For more guidance on how to achieve your greatest purpose at the highest level and live a life worth living check out my coaching program HERE

Have an impactful week!


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Michigan Life Coaching, Personal Growth, and PSYCH-K®️. Taking your life to the next level and creating the abundance you deserve.