The victory isn’t in the outcome, it is in being one of the brave few who takes a chance.

On a recent Sunday I was reflecting on my week. I often do this on Sundays before I map out the followiing week.

As I thought about some of the challenges we’ve had including the flu, stomach bug, a family vacation, and unplanned home renovations, I thought about the pursuit of goals and wrote this sentence in my journal.

This idea had been rolling around in my thoughts for a few days.

Recently, I set in motion a new goal that failed to grow wings.

I started working toward it and made good progress, but felt hindered by situations beyond my control.

Often, we think of victory as an outward facing achievement such as a new job title or living in the exclusive neighborhood.

We judge the validity of the reward on appearance and social approval alone.

This perspective diminishes the real value of pursuing new challenges.

Let’s explore a different view of victory and look at the other, and, in my opinion, more important reward in pursuing goals.


Be, Do, Have

The “Be, Do, Have” philosophy is a conceptual framework that suggests a reversal of the common approach most people take towards achieving their goals or desired state of being.

You know how we often think, “If only I had more money, time, or the right tools, then I could do all the things I want to do, and I’d finally be happy, content, and fulfilled”?

Well, this approach turns that idea on its head.

It suggests that we start with who we want to be.

It’s all about looking inward first, making that inner shift, and becoming the person who naturally does the things that lead to having what we desire.

It’s a journey that begins with us, inside out, not the other way around.



The foundation of all transformation is who we have to become to achieve the new objective.

We don’t get what we want, we get what we are.

That being said, we need to become the person that achieves the goal we are setting out to accomplish.

Let’s imagine that you are passionate about jewelry making and want to turn your hobby into a full time career.

As a professional jewelry maker, you might aim to fully embrace and represent the essence of what it means to be in this craft.

In the outside world it appears that we changed our behavior alone, but in reality we changed ourselves to accomplish the behavior.

For this next section you may want to get a notepad or journal out.

Start by asking the following questions:

  • Who do I have to become to achieve the goal I set out for?
  • What qualities or characteristics does this version of me possess?
  • In what ways can I start to embody these characteristics in my everyday life?
  • How does my ideal self-handle challenges and setbacks and what is my overall mindset?
  • How does my ideal self-relate to others and contribute to the world?
  • What beliefs do I need to adopt to become the person who achieves my desired outcomes?


Once you embody the identity and characteristics of your goal, you naturally begin to take actions that are congruent with this identity.

Continuing the earlier example, a person who has adopted the mindset of a successful jewelry maker will start to take actions aligned with success in entrepreneurship, such as networking, seeking mentorship, learning continuously, and taking calculated risks.

The actions you take are a direct reflection of who you are and who you believe yourself to be.

This step is important as it proves to yourself and the world that you have truly adopted this new way of being.

If you don’t see yourself making the changes you know you haven’t taken on the necessary beliefs.

Check out THIS BLOG POST to find out how to change beliefs at the subconscious level.

I hope you still have your journal out as we will use it for this next section.

To determine what you must do ask the following questions:

  • What specific actions would my ideal self take to achieve my goal(s)?
  • How can I incorporate these actions into my daily routine?
  • What skills or knowledge do I need to acquire to perform these actions effectively?
  • How does my ideal self stay motivated and overcome obstacles?
  • What small step can I take today that aligns with my vision for myself?


Finally, “Have” represents the outcomes or the achievements that result from being the right person and doing the right things.

By embodying the identity and taking appropriate actions, you create the conditions for achieving your desired results.

In essence, having is seen as a natural consequence of being and doing.

The philosophy argues that success, fulfillment, and other goals are more effectively achieved as a result of internal growth and appropriate action rather than by seeking external resources or conditions first.

Here are some questions that let you know you have what you want:

  • Can you picture what life looks like once you’ve nailed your goal? What’s different?
  • How will you know you’ve really made it? What’s your personal success marker?
  • Imagine the ways your life gets better with this win. What changes for you?
  • How do you plan to celebrate this awesome achievement? And how will you savor it?
  • With great achievements come new challenges. How are you gearing up to embrace them?

Journaling is great tool for creating awareness which I always say is the first step in all growth.

Taking on new challenges means we might fail, but it’s worth it to stand out as someone who dares to try something bold.

Even if we don’t succeed, we prove we’re brave enough to keep going.

After all, becoming a better version of ourselves is more valuable than anything we could get.

Take care,



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Life Coaching, Personal Growth, and PSYCH-K®️. Taking your life to the next level and creating the abundance you deserve.

This inspiring read delves into the heart of what it means to confront and embrace new challenges, despite the fear of failure. Learn how daring to step out of your comfort zone can not only redefine your path but also transform you into a stronger, more resilient individual. Perfect for anyone looking to break through barriers and achieve something new, our article offers the motivation and insight needed to forge ahead. With expert advice and real-life examples, discover how becoming the best version of yourself is the most valuable achievement of all. Join the ranks of the brave and start your journey toward groundbreaking success.