Let me start with my experience as a sleep deprived, new mother. I wanted it all.
I wanted to be a great mom, to own a successful business, to be fit and healthy, to have an incredible spiritual connection through prayer and meditation.
What actually happened?
After a very long night of feedings, I woke up early, barely making it to the kitchen.
With an already chaotic reality, I had very little clarity about how a business would fit into my life.
This dream business wasn’t already there before the baby came along, and I was really just focused on whether I could manage to get a shower in on any particular day.
I was depressed and struggled to manage my life, much less get more than two actual workouts in per week.
If I had more than 30 seconds to sit down for a meditation or prayer, it was far more likely that I would fall asleep.
And yes, I could fall asleep sitting up. I was exhausted all. the. time. and I was stuck.
I couldn’t have under any circumstances have forced myself to reach my goals because my fundamental needs weren’t being met.
I was trying to skip building the foundation and move right on to constructing the skyscraper.
The three questions you want to ask before moving into a big new goal are simple, but not always easy to answer.
Here they are:
What really sets the criteria for being ready, willing, and able for anything?
We can be ready with regards to your circumstances, having all that you need in terms of systems, resources, and tools to carry out a goal.
Or we may be “ready” in terms of mindset determining that all I need will show up at the exact right time.
Both are quite important, but people often start working toward goals without either being fulfilled leading to a false start.
Honestly, it’s hard to say what being ready, willing, able really are, but there are some telltale signs.
Being Ready:
We are usually experiencing a mix of nerves and excitement at the onset of a new goal, but the voice inside whispers, “go for it”.
We sense that it is time to take on this new endeavor and we are prepared emotionally and mentally and have the skills and resources necessary to step into this new venture.
It’s knowing that despite the butterflies in your stomach, it is time to leap.
When have you felt this feeling? What were you doing? Who were you with?
Being Willing:
This is the fire in our belly that ignites our movement forward.
It gives us the energy and resilience to take on extraordinary feats that scare the pants off us.
This feeling, when we sustain it, can move mountains, can lead teams, can create unrestrained transformation in our lives and even others.
It is a catalyst for change that can change the world and leave a legacy.
When have you felt this fire? What lights your light up?
What, if you brought it to the world, will create an incredible wave of healing, growth, or expansion?
What would fulfill you in a major way?
Being Able:
This is where our tool box comes in.
Our abilities are determined by our education, our experiences, and even those of others.
They are the training, coaching, and guidance we have received through life and they are somewhat infinite.
They are the ebooks, the YouTube videos, the classes, and the certifications. In addition, the subconscious is an information gathering machine and we have the ability to tap into our own unique set of learnings that we have accumulated through life when we know how.
We are far more capable than we perceive ourselves to be.
What experiences do you bring to the table that could help others?
What have you learned that you can share with others?
All three are crucial for successfully achieving a goal. Without readiness, you may not start; without willingness, you may not persevere; and without ability, you may not be able to complete the journey.
As a new mother, I wasn’t fully ready, willing, or able.
I needed to get clear on where I was at that moment to move forward.
I look back and realize my goals should have been about getting enough sleep and proper food and water.
Maybe I could have hired a babysitter for a few hours a week to work with a therapist or a coach.
My mindset at the time was to just power through, even when the power plant was completely shut down.
I see now that getting a bit of sleep and turning on the generators could have helped me move forward and make the goals that I had meaningful.
What I didn’t have at the time was the ability to see what I needed to move forward.
We do, however, have the ability to prepare the land, build the foundation, and construct the skyscraper from where we are.
It just takes a bit of preparation to get unstuck. Here is a process to get started.
As a mother of a newborn, had I had this outline, I could have been more clear on what was missing.
I could have been more clear about what to do to move forward with the energy and direction I needed.
I could have unstuck myself.
What are you going to do NOW to become ready, willing, and able to make your dreams come true?
Let the vision you hold for your future determine who you are choosing to be now.
Get going,
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Disclaimer: Please note that this article is intended to provide general information and inspiration. While it offers valuable insights, it’s essential to remember that it’s not a substitute for professional advice or therapy.