It is up to us to choose the standards by which we are willing to live. Determine what YOU are no longer willing to tolerate in YOUR life. Here is a list of questions to reflect on:
-What are your long-term goals and aspirations in life?
-Are you satisfied with your current situation, or do you see room for improvement?
-How do you define success and fulfillment for yourself?
-What values and principles do you consider most important in your life?
-How do you handle setbacks or challenges in your life?
-What steps have you taken recently to invest in your personal or professional growth?
-Are there any role models or people you admire who have set high standards that inspire you?
-How do you feel about your current daily habits and routines? Are they helping you reach your goals?
-What would your ideal day, week, or year look like, and how does it differ from your current reality?
-Are there specific areas in which you feel you’ve been complacent or accepting of mediocrity?
-How do you handle situations where your values and standards are compromised?
-Can you envision a future version of yourself that has higher standards and is more fulfilled?
Getting to know yourself, raise your awareness, and understand your patterns is essential.
You might read the questions above and wonder:
– “What have I been waiting for?”
– “Why haven’t I moved forward in different areas of life?”
– “What has been holding me back?”
I talk to people that have wanted to make changes for months, years, and even decades, not realizing they are being sabotaged.
Not by someone or something outside of them – by their own beliefs.
Our beliefs stem from the meaning we give to events in our lives. We (unintentionally) chose to interpret the event in a certain way and that formed our belief.
Imagine a five year old runs up to her mom while she makes dinner. She wants to show her mommy a picture she colored and is so excited about it.
Dinner’s boiling over, the oven timer dings, and mom’s hands are wet from rinsing lettuce. Mom says, “Not now honey! Get ready for dinner, it’s almost done.”
The little girl interpreted in that moment that she isn’t important. She interprets that her mom’s reaction means she isn’t valuable.
This is not a traumatic event, not even significant to the mom. Because of this event, the little girl decided she is worthless, not valuable, unimportant.
We carry beliefs that can affect our lives in the negative or positive. Sometimes, the rest of our lives.
The challenge is threefold:
1. Our beliefs are rarely chosen consciously or with intention.
2. We often misinterpret the original event to begin with.
3. After having taken on a belief, we forget it’s an interpretation.
Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
Re-interpreting beliefs, on its own, can change your life in BIG ways. It can change the direction of your life and give you a new mindset and perspective.
Vision Quest
Consider creating a vision for your life. The questions above can start the process.
If there was nothing holding you back, what would you experience, have, do? Who would you be? How would you spend your time? Best of all, what would it feel like?
After you have a vision write down a list of goals, habits, and routines. Then figure out what things need to get done to fill the gap between where you are, to where you want to be.
Remember to work on those beliefs!
Here are three ways to go about this:
-go it alone (which is entirely possible)
-have one or more friends (an) accountability buddy(-ies) and work together
-hire a coach who has been through deep transformation and knows how to guide others
All three are beautiful options for your journey ahead.