Have you ever wondered why you can’t reach the big goals? You put the time and effort and sometimes money into something with little to no results. Over and over seeing that things just aren’t working out. Yeah, I know, I’m familiar with the pattern.
When I was 22 years old I bought a house. I had no co-signer and I put my own money down on it. I had stellar credit and a decent paying job.
I travelled around the world scheduling trips every few months to quench my thirst for adventure. I wasn’t living like a queen (I literally had no furniture when I moved into my house), but I had lots of friends and enjoyed life.
Years later I was struggling to achieve even menial goals and I felt isolated, tired, and depressed. Thanks to my husband I was living a pretty good life, but I couldn’t figure out what happened to me.
I just knew I had set some goals that should have been achievable, but even with all the effort, action, and persistence I could pour into it I couldn’t build what I wanted. Why couldn’t I make anything happen?
One month later I walked into the Basic workshop shaking like a leaf. I was not a little terrified, uh, I was like a lot terrified. Our instructor Mary and the class coordinator Kim both said “you have no idea of how much this is going to change your life.”
Since then I have taken four more workshops and my life has completely changed. I’ve watched as this modality has helped loved ones lives change over night. No exaggeration.
Over this time I’ve seen how Psych-k®️ has assisted people (and even animals) in creating more harmonious, enjoyable lives.