Jerry was a client of mine who felt trapped in his life, unable to change his own behavior. He worked hard and earned a decent living in sales, but wanted more out of life.
Jerry wanted to start a construction business. He had sold construction services and had personal experience in the field. At the end of a long work day though, he couldn’t pull himself off the couch to move forward – to build his dream.
When I met him he lamented about his desire for change and the little will and energy he had to make it happen. Jerry felt he lacked the self belief and support he needed to move forward.
After soul searching and self discovery, he worked on his beliefs and finally chose to make the shift. He took responsibility for his growth, personal and professional.
One day he quit watching TV and started studying for his builder’s license during all his free time.
In just a few short years, he has made incredible changes. Jerry runs a very successful business and has transformed his life in all ways.
Most people have gone through a time in life where their growth was stagnant. And like Jerry, couldn’t take the action they wanted.
Many people have carried a few more pounds than they’ve wanted. 

And still they haven’t had the motivation to eat better or exercise.

Many people have wanted to make more money and even knew the way. 

And still they haven’t started the side business or sought another position.

Many people have been stuck in a relationship that wasn’t loving, or sometimes even kind. 

And still they haven’t had the courage to move on.

And even though so many have had this same experience, many others, are able to break free.
What’s the secret, how did they do it?
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to constantly improve and thrive while others remain stuck in the same place?
We all desire personal growth, but often, the path to achieving it remains unclear.
We flounder waiting for something to change, to push us into our own development.
The truth is, it’s never going to happen.
Change will never come from outside of you. It can only come from within.
And this is where it starts:
Awareness & Personal Responsibility
First, we need to be aware that something needs to change. Then we need to take authority in our own life through personal responsibility.
We need to choose the changes we want to see and embark on the transformational journey.
It is up to us to choose the standards by which we are willing to live. Determine what YOU are no longer willing to tolerate in YOUR life. Here is a list of questions to reflect on:
-What are your long-term goals and aspirations in life?
-Are you satisfied with your current situation, or do you see room for improvement?
-How do you define success and fulfillment for yourself?
-What values and principles do you consider most important in your life?
-How do you handle setbacks or challenges in your life?
-What steps have you taken recently to invest in your personal or professional growth?
-Are there any role models or people you admire who have set high standards that inspire you?
-How do you feel about your current daily habits and routines? Are they helping you reach your goals?
-What would your ideal day, week, or year look like, and how does it differ from your current reality?
-Are there specific areas in which you feel you’ve been complacent or accepting of mediocrity?
-How do you handle situations where your values and standards are compromised?
-Can you envision a future version of yourself that has higher standards and is more fulfilled?
Getting to know yourself, raise your awareness, and understand your patterns is essential.
You might read the questions above and wonder:
– “What have I been waiting for?”
– “Why haven’t I moved forward in different areas of life?”
– “What has been holding me back?”
I talk to people that have wanted to make changes for months, years, and even decades, not realizing they are being sabotaged.
Not by someone or something outside of them – by their own beliefs.
Our beliefs stem from the meaning we give to events in our lives. We (unintentionally) chose to interpret the event in a certain way and that formed our belief.
Imagine a five year old runs up to her mom while she makes dinner. She wants to show her mommy a picture she colored and is so excited about it.
Dinner’s boiling over, the oven timer dings, and mom’s hands are wet from rinsing lettuce. Mom says, “Not now honey! Get ready for dinner, it’s almost done.”
The little girl interpreted in that moment that she isn’t important. She interprets that her mom’s reaction means she isn’t valuable.
This is not a traumatic event, not even significant to the mom. Because of this event, the little girl decided she is worthless, not valuable, unimportant.
We carry beliefs that can affect our lives in the negative or positive. Sometimes, the rest of our lives.
The challenge is threefold:
1. Our beliefs are rarely chosen consciously or with intention.
2. We often misinterpret the original event to begin with.
3. After having taken on a belief, we forget it’s an interpretation.
Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
– Tony Robbins
Re-interpreting beliefs, on its own, can change your life in BIG ways. It can change the direction of your life and give you a new mindset and perspective.

Vision Quest

Consider creating a vision for your life. The questions above can start the process.
If there was nothing holding you back, what would you experience, have, do? Who would you be? How would you spend your time? Best of all, what would it feel like?
After you have a vision write down a list of goals, habits, and routines. Then figure out what things need to get done to fill the gap between where you are, to where you want to be.
Remember to work on those beliefs!
Here are three ways to go about this:
-go it alone (which is entirely possible)
-have one or more friends (an) accountability buddy(-ies) and work together
-hire a coach who has been through deep transformation and knows how to guide others
All three are beautiful options for your journey ahead.
The DIY process for belief change I told you about above takes commitment and repetition.
I believe YOU can make incredible changes in your life.
I believe YOU can create exponential growth.
I believe YOU can be who you aspire to be.
Now go do it!
All the best,
p.s. When you are ready, head to my website for free tools, coaching and PSYCH-K®️, paid courses, and past newsletters to grow and inspire.

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is intended to provide general information and inspiration. While it offers valuable insights, it’s essential to remember that it’s not a substitute for professional advice or therapy. If you’re facing significant challenges or struggling with mental health issues, I encourage you to seek support from qualified professionals who can provide personalized guidance.